How to Choose Plywood Article


One of my favorite articles is from Shara at Wood shop Diaries Her articles are very motivational, and she goes into great detail for every aspect of the wood project. This article, however, I find extremely helpful.

Howto Choose Plywood for Furniture and Cabinets | For Beginners(

Before finding her website, I do not know how many times I had google searched for information about plywood and which plywood would be the best for cabinet building and so on. Every article or YouTube video I came across was the same and was mainly focused on the actual building of the cabinet and not the plywood used. Shara explains the difference in almost every type of plywood, not just the ones used for furniture building and even goes into detail about the different grades.

 One thing that I learned when reading this article is how plywood plies can vary by board, which means boards with seven plies can be the same thickness as boards with fifteen plies. The higher number of plies means that the board is more stable and less likely to splinter or split. Shara even gives recommendations on which boards she would be likely to use depending on the wood project she is working on.

She is very passionate about plywood and to some extent is known as the “plywood princess” so I fully trust the information she gives in this article and recommend it to others looking for the same advice I had been. She has not steered me wrong yet!


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